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Starting Therapy Part 1

When and Where? 

By Amber Dwinell 

The first few steps of therapy can be daunting. You may have questions like-

When is the right time to seek support? Where do I go to find a therapist? Who will be the right fit? I hope this guide helps answer some of these questions, and ultimately, help you find a therapist who is the right fit for you.


When is it the right time to seek support?

If you are starting to question whether you should connect with a therapist this is a good indication that a part of you is looking for help, support or care. Your therapist can help further identify what it is you are looking for or help you identify goals.


Sometimes there may be a part of you that knows you need support but another part that doesn’t want to take this step. That’s ok. It is ok to not be fully committed to the idea of change. Just because all of you isn’t ready, this doesn’t disqualify you from support.  


Where do I go to find a therapist?

If you have a GP who you trust and knows you well, you could start there. Your GP should have a list of therapists in mind and be able to provide options. If you don’t have a trusted GP that’s ok. Sometimes your GP may even ask you to do some research and chose who you would like to see before giving you a Care Plan. Alternatively, do you have any other trusted health professionals? Sometimes your physio, dietitian or even dentist may have some referral options.


Here are some places to search online:



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