Feelings & Needs
By Amber Dwinell
Have you ever wondered why we experience emotions?
Why do we feel frustrated when our partner is slow to respond or teary and
sad when we watch a heart-warming movie?
First lets clarify some terminology:
Emotions/feelings: An internal state or mood e.g., sad, happy, anger, anxious.
Sensations: The bodies physiological response to emotions e.g., sweaty hands, tightness in chest, racing heart.
Needs: Emotional and physical human requirements to live e.g., safety, love, food, choice.
Emotions and sensations are our bodies way of signalling an emotional or physical need. Just like a baby cries to express a need of food, as adults we do not stop experiencing emotional and physical needs too. It is not something we can switch off and is crucial to our wellbeing and survival. Our emotions are information.
It is important to get to know our feelings and needs system to identify how our body expresses certain emotions and sensations and whether it corresponds to a particular need. This will be unique for everyone. For some people stress may indicate a need of rest or sleep, whilst for others it may signal a need of connection and support.
Our expression of the feeling is what we do to try and meet the need. For example, some people may experience loneliness, so they over-eat to meet a deeper need of pleasure and connection. Or for people who feel anxious or stressed may use alcohol to meet needs of rest and relaxation.
So, before you try and change or avoid an undesirable feeling or sensation, we must look a little deeper- is your body trying to communicate an un-met need?
You can find a universal list of feelings and needs to assist your individual exploration.